
Reference List on Word Stress & English Learning

This reference list should give you a head start in your research.

If you have a reference to add to this list, please, email: [At] gmail (dot) com


 Stress and Second Language Acquisition

Altmann, H. (2006). The Perception and Production of Second Language Stress: A Cross-Linguistic Experimental Study. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, U of Delaware.

Archibald, J. (1993). The learnability of English metrical parameters by adult Spanish speakers. IRAL: International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching, 31(2). [Link to ERiC]

Avery, P., & Ehrlich, S. (1992). Teaching American English pronunciation. Oxford [England] ; New York: Oxford University Press.

Benrabah, M. (1997). Word-stress–A source of unintelligibility in English. IRAL: International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching, 35(3). [Link to Database]

Berry, R. (2000). ‘Youser-friendly’ metalanguage: What effect does it have on learners of English? IRAL: International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching, 38(3/4), 195. [Link to Dabatabe]

Edmunds, P. (2007). Production of Lexical Stress by Spanish Speakers of English as a Second Language and Its Effect on Perceptual Judgments of Intelligibility and Accentedness. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 121(5), conference, 3073.

Fudge, E. (2015). English word-stress. Routledge.

Field, J. (2005). Intelligibility and the Listener: The Role of Lexical Stress. TESOL Quarterly: A Journal for Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages and of Standard English as a Second Dialect, 39(3), 399-423. [Link to JStore]

Hahn, L. D. (2004). Primary stress and intelligibility: Research to motivate the teaching of suprasegmentals. Tesol Quarterly, 38(2), 201-223. [Link to PDF]

Juffs, A. (1990). Tone, syllable structure and interlanguage phonology: Chinese learners’ stress errors. IRAL: International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching, 28(2), 99.

Lai, Y., & Sereno, J. (2007). Acquisition of Lexical Stress by Mandarin Learners. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 121(5), 3071.

Murphy, J. (2004). Attending to word-stress while learning new vocabulary. English for Specific Purposes, 23(1), 67-83. [Link to ERIC]

Sanders, L. D., Neville, H. J., & Woldorff, M. G. (2002). Speech Segmentation by Native and Non-Native Speakers: The Use of Lexical, Syntactic, and Stress-Pattern Cues. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 45, 519–530. [Link to NCB]

Schane, S. (2007). Understanding English word accentuation. Language Sciences, 29(2/3), 372-384. [Link to PDF]

Tremblay, A. (2008). Is second language lexical access prosodically constrained? Processing of word stress by French Canadian second language learners of English. Applied Psycholinguistics, 29(4), 553-584. [Link to Cambridge Journal]

Tyler, M. (2006). French Listeners Can Use Stress to Segment Words in an Artificial Language Paper presented at the 11th Australian International Conference on Speech Science & Technology, University of Auckland, New Zealand.

Wang, Q. (2008). L2 stress perception: The reliance on different acoustic cues. Paper presented at the Fourth Conference on Speech Prosody. Retrieved from

Word Stress in L1

Arciuli, J., & Cupples, L. (2006). The processing of lexical stress during visual word recognition: Typicality effects and orthographic correlates. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 59(5), 920-948.

Baker, R. G., & Smith, P. T. (1976). A Psycholinguistic Study of English Stress Assignment Rules. Language & Speech, 19(1), 9-27.

Baptista, B. O. (1984). English Stress Rules and Native Speakers. Language & Speech, 27(3), 217-233.

Berg, T. (1999). Stress variation in British and American English. World Englishes, 18(2), 123.

Bott, A.-M. K. (2005). Computer-Aided Self-Access Pronunciation Materials Designed to Stress in American English. Unpublished MA, Brigham Young University.

Burzio, L. (1994). Principles of English stress. Cambridge [England]; New York: Cambridge University Press.

Colombo, L. (1992). Lexical Stress Effect and  Its Interaction With Frequency in Word Pronunciation. Journal  of  Experimental  Psychology: Human  Perception  and  Performance, 18(4), 987-1003.

Cooper, N., Cutler, A., & Wales, R. (2002). Constraints of Lexical Stress on Lexical Access in English: Evidence from Native and Non-native Listeners. Language & Speech, 45(3), 207-228.

Creel, S., Tanenhaus, M., & Aslin, R. (2006). Consequences of Lexical Stress on Learning an Artificial Lexicon. Journal  of  Experimental  Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 32(1), 15-32.

Danielsson, B. (1948). Studies on the accentuation of polysyllabic Latin, Greek, and Romance loan-words in English, with special reference to those ending in -able, -ate, -ator, -ible, -ic, -ical, and -ize. Stockholn,: Almqvist & Wiksells boktr.

Dickerson, W. B. (1989). Stress in the speech stream : the rhythm of spoken English. Urbana: University of Illinois Press.

Dupoux, E., Sebastian-Galles, N., Navarrete, E., & Peperkamp, S. (2008). Persistent Stress ‘Deafness’: The Case of French Learners of Spanish. Cognition: International Journal of Cognitive Science, 106(2), 682-706.

Face, T. (2006). Cognitive factors in the perception of Spanish stress placement: implications for a model of speech perception. Linguistics, 44(6), 1237–1267.

Fudge, E. C. (1984). English word-stress. London ; Boston: Allen & Unwin.

Garde, P. (1968). L’Accent. Paris: Presses universitaires de France.

Guierre, L. (1979). Essai sur l’accentuation en anglais contemporain. Paris: Université Paris VII.

Guierre, L. (1984). Drills in English Stress-Patterns. Paris: A. Colin-Longman.

Guierre, L. (1985). Review: Erik C. Fudge, English word-stress. Journal of Linguistics, 21(2), 518-520.

Guion, S. G., Clark, J. J., Harada, T., & Wayland, R. P. (2003). Factors Affecting Stress Placement for English Nonwords Include Syllabic Structure, Lexical Class, and Stress Patterns of Phonologically Similar Words. Language and Speech, 46(4), 403-426.

Halle, M., & Keyser, S. J. (1971). English stress; its form, its growth, and its role in verse. New York,: Harper & Row.

Henrichsen, L. E. (1999). Pronunciation matters : communicative, story-based activities for mastering the sounds of North American English. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.

Kelly, M., & Bock, J. (1988). Stress in Time. Journal  of  Experimenial  Psychology: Human Perception  and Performance, 14(3), 389-403.

Kelly, M. H. (2004). Word onset patterns and lexical stress in English. Journal of Memory & Language, 50(3), 231.

Kolinsky, R. g., Cuverier, H. l. n., Goetry, V., Peretz, I., & Morais, J. (2009). MUSIC TRAINING FACILITATES LEXICAL STRESS PROCESSING. Music Perception, 26(3), 235-246.

Ling, L. E., & Grabe, E. (1999). A Contrastive Study of Prosody and Lexical Stress Placement in Singapore English and British English. Language and Speech, 42(1), 39-56.

Murphy, J., & Kandil, M. (2004). Word-level stress patterns in the academic word list. System, 32, 61-74.

Orion, G. F. (1997). Pronouncing American English : sounds, stress, and intonation (2nd ed.). Boston: Heinle & Heinle Publishers.

Plag, I., Kunter, G., & Lappe, S. (2007). Testing hypotheses about compoundstress assignment in English: a corpus-based investigation. Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory, 3(2), 199-232.

Poldauf, I., & Lee, W. R. (1984). English word stress : a theory of word-stress patterns in English (1st ed.). Oxford ; New York: Pergamon Press.

Rastle, K., & Coltheart, M. (2000). Lexical and Nonlexical Print-to-Sound Translation of Disyllabic Words and Nonwords. Journal of Memory and Language, 42(3), 342-364.

Salmani-Nodoushan, M. A. (2007). Predicting English Word Accent on Morphological Grounds. Journal on School Educational Technology, 3(2), 22-30.

Schane, S. A. (1979). The Rhythmic Nature of English Word Accentuation. Language: Journal of the Linguistic Society of America, 55(3), 559-602.

Ševa, N., Monaghan, P., & Arciuli, J. (2009). Stressing what is important: Orthographic cues and lexical stress assignment. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 22(3), 237-249.

Slowiaczek, L. (1990). Effects of Lexical Stress in Auditory Word Recognition. Language & Speech, 33(1), 47-68.

Slowiaczek, L., Soltano, E., & Bernstein, H. (2006). Lexical and Metrical Stress in Word Recognition:Lexical or Pre-lexical Influences? Journal of psychological research, 35, 491–512.

Treiman, R., et al. (1993). Children’s use of phoneme-grapheme correspondences in spelling: Roles of position and stress. Journal of Educational Psychology, 85(3), 466-477.

Trevian, I. (2007). Stress-neutral endings in contemporary British English: an updated overview. Language Sciences, 29(2/3), 426-450.

Walch, M. L. (1972). Stress Rules and Performance. Language & Speech, 15(3), 279-287.


Carr, P., & Honeybone, P. (2007). English phonology and linguistic theory: an introduction to issues, and to `Issues in English Phonology’. Language Sciences, 29(2-3), 117-153.

Chomsky, N., & Halle, M. (1968). The sound pattern of English. New York,: Harper & Row.

Dauer, R. M. (1993). Accurate English : a complete course in pronunciation. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Regents/Prentice Hall.

Durgunoglu, A., Nagy, W., & Hancin-Bhatt, B. (1993). Cross-Language  Transfer  of  Phonological  Awareness. Journal  of  Educational  Psychology, 85(3), 453-465.

Pronunciation (SLL)

Beisbier, B. (1994). Sounds great : beginning pronounciation for speakers of english – book 1. Boston, Mass.: Heinle & Heinle.

Beisbier, B. (1995). Sounds great. Book 2 : intermediate pronunciation and speaking for learners of English. Boston, Mass.: Heinle & Heinle.

Brown, A. (1991). Teaching English pronunciation : a book of readings. London ; New York: Routledge.

Celce-Murcia, M., Brinton, D., & Goodwin, J. M. (1996). Teaching pronunciation : a reference for teachers of English to speakers of other languages. Cambridge [England]; New York: Cambridge University Press.

Chang, M. (2005). Pronunciation practice activities: A resource book for teaching English pronunciation. Canadian Modern Language Review, 61(3), 436-439.

Chela-Flores, B., & Chela-Flores, G. (2001). Fundamentals in teaching pronunciation : the rhythm and intonation of English. McHenry, Ill.: Delta Pub.

Dale, P., & Poms, L. (1994). English pronunciation for international students. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall Regents.

Dale, P., & Poms, L. (2005). English pronunciation made simple. White Plains, NY: Longman.

Dalton, C., & Seidlhofer, B. (1994). Pronunciation. Oxford [England] ; New York: Oxford University Press.

Derwing, T. M., & Munro, M. J. (2005). Second Language Accent and Pronunciation Teaching: A Research-Based Approach. Tesol Quarterly, 39, 379-398.

Gilbert, J. B. (1993). Clear speech : pronunciation and listening comprehension in North American English : student’s book (2nd ed.). Cambridge: New York, N.Y.

Gilner, L. (2008). Pronunciation Instruction: A Review of Methods and Techniques. Journal of School of Foreign Languages, 35, 93-108.

Grant, L. (2001). Well said : pronunciation for clear communication (2nd ed.). Boston: Heinle & Heinle Publishers.

Hagen, S. A. G. P. E. (1992). Sound advantage : a pronunciation book. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall Regents.

Isaacs, T. (2008). Towards Defining a Valid Assessment Criterion of Pronunciation Proficiency in Non-Native English-Speaking Graduate Students. Canadian Modern Language Review, 64(4), 555-580.

Keys, K. J. (2000). Discourse Level Phonology in the Language Curriculum: A Review of Current Thinking in Teaching Pronunciation in EFL Courses. Linguagem & Ensino, 3(1), 89-105.

Kozyrev, J. (2005). Sound Bites : pronunciation activities [Book; Sound Recording Date of Entry: 20060119]: Boston : Houghton Mifflin.

Kreidler, C. W. (2004). The Pronunciation of English: A Course Book (2nd ed.). Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishers.

Lane, L. (2005). Focus on pronunciation 2. White Plains, NY: Longman.

Levis, J. M. (2005). Changing Contexts and Shifting Paradigms in Pronunciation Teaching. Tesol Quarterly, 39, 369-378.

Miller, S. F. (2006). Targeting pronunciation : communicating clearly in English (2nd ed.). Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co.

Morley, J. (1994). Pronunciation pedagogy and theory : new views, new directions. Alexandria, VA: Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages.

Tanner, M., & Landon, M. (2009). The Effects of Computer-assisted Pronunciation Readings on ESL Learners’ Use of Pausing, Stress, Intonation, and Overall Comprehensibility. Language Learning & Technology, 13(3), 51–65.

Teschner, R. V., & Whitley, M. S. (2004). Pronouncing English : a stress-based approach with CD-Rom. Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press.


Fournier, J.-M. (2007). From a Latin syllable-driven stress system to a Romance versus Germanic morphology-driven dynamics: in honour of Lionel Guierre. Language Sciences, 29(2/3), 218-236.

Jenkins, J. (2002). A sociolinguistically based, empirically researched pronunciation syllabus for English as an international language. [Article]. Applied Linguistics, 23(1), 83-103.

Pierrel, J. ComicsEnglish: Learning English with Webcomics.

Unsworth, S. (2004). Child  L1, child  L2, and adult  L2 acquisition: Differences and similarities. In A. Brugos, L. Micciulla, and C. Smith (eds.), Proceedings of the 28th  BUCLD, Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press, pp. 633-644.

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